Take off Your Shoes, Moses

Sisyphus: The man who was cursed for eternity by the gods to push a boulder up the mountain, only for it to come tumbling down. I always wondered, what would happen if one day the boulder didn’t come back down? Would he be relieved?

Sometimes, you take a lifetime to discover you don’t always have to carry around a bag of rocks. Unlike Sisyphus, you don’t have to keep pushing that boulder. You don’t have to hang onto the limiting labels, beliefs, and that it’s okay to let go of the attachments that no longer serve you. It’s okay to release whatever, and you don’t need no miracle to do so.

I discovered It’s all twisted. No matter what you do, it can never be perfect. The only perfect thing is the moment you are lucky enough to be living right now. You may feel stuck now, but have you considered expecting less and giving gratitude more? Nobody owes you anything, not even life itself. You are an existence in a vast universe. How do we measure perfect? According to whom, in a universe made of variances?

I noticed you are always alone in the city in your mind. You should know, life is not a novel you can script however you want. It flows on its own course, and you have to be okay with the flow. You have to accept it just like that. Being and letting be: There is never no need to carry around anger, resentment, ill feelings, and bitterness.

That is always the first step towards forgiveness. We are taught that man is born sinful. From the moment you are born, the journey toward forgiveness begins. Forgiveness has always been for you. The judge has always been in your head. You are the one who carries a set of rules and perspectives in your head. You use those to judge yourself, and others. How bold of you, to somehow assume everyone carries around the same judge as you. Their good doesn’t match your good, and their bad won’t necessarily be your bad. 

Above all, you have to know it’s never that serious. You don’t have to kill yourself living. Trust that your soul knows where it’s headed. There can be no mistakes, only lessons and redirections. You don’t need more advice on how to live. The thing about advice is that it’s more about the giver than the receiver. The best advice is: Don’t take any advice. So, have the courage to make your own choices. Otherwise, you will wake up one day in a life foreign to yourself. To make matters worse, it might be too late.